Linode Status

Current Status

DNS Resolution Issue - London (eu-west)

Incident Report for Linode


On August 8th, 2023, at 16:56 UTC, we observed unexpected behavior within the DNS resolvers utilized by customers in our London datacenter. After initial investigation, it was determined that performance was degraded and we began incident response procedures at 17:55 UTC.

Our investigation determined that this was caused by a software version-conflict between our resolvers, which was promptly addressed to restore expected behavior.

As a result of this incident, we are working to improve the performance and robustness of DNS resolution within all of our data centers.

Posted Oct 05, 2023 - 19:38 UTC


We haven't observed any additional DNS resolution issues in our London data center, and will now consider this incident resolved. If you continue to experience problems, please open a Support ticket for assistance.
Posted Aug 08, 2023 - 20:38 UTC


At this time we have been able to correct the issues affecting DNS resolution in our London data center. We will be monitoring this to ensure that it remains stable. If you are still experiencing issues, please open a Support ticket for assistance.
Posted Aug 08, 2023 - 19:34 UTC


Our team is investigating an issue affecting DNS resolution in our London data center. During this time, users may experience intermittent timeouts when performing DNS queries against our DNS resolvers in London. We will share additional updates as we have more information.
Posted Aug 08, 2023 - 18:13 UTC
This incident affected: Regions (EU-West (London)).