At approximately 19:49 UTC on January 27, 2024, Compute Support received reports that some customers were encountering failures when creating new Managed Database clusters within the Mumbai, Tokyo, Sydney, and Singapore regions.
New Managed Database clusters could not be created successfully due to a recent change in an underlying software dependency. As a proactive measure to curtail additional cluster creation failures, the affected regions were temporarily excluded from Cloud Manager while the issue was identified and mitigated. By 16:40 UTC on January 29, 2024, we rolled out a software fix, successfully resolving the issue. Following this resolution, existing Managed Database customers regained the capability to create new Managed Databases in the impacted regions.
We are currently developing an enhanced and more resilient Managed Databases solution which is designed to replace our current offering. While we don't have a specific timeframe for its release, we want to assure you that we remain committed to supporting the current Managed Databases offering for customers with continuing access.