Linode Status

Current Status
Connectivity Issue - DE-FRA-2 (Frankfurt 2)
Incident Report for Linode

Starting around 03:22 UTC on February 5, 2025, the end-user traffic that traversed through one of the data centers in Frankfurt experienced availability issues. Akamai's investigation revealed that the issue was caused by human error during a planned maintenance activity to upgrade network routers to the latest firmware version in the affected data center. The maintenance was scheduled for a specific set of routers, where only a subset was supposed to be taken out of service for the code upgrade. However, the engineer inadvertently took the entire set of routers out of service, leading to a service interruption for the customer’s traffic. The existing internal alerts were triggered as expected, and the appropriate actions were taken. The change was rolled back to mitigate the impact. The issue was mitigated at around 03:52 UTC on February 5, 2025. We have identified process and tooling gaps that could have helped prevent this issue. We are actively working on preventive measures to ensure such incidents are avoided in the future. We will take appropriate preventive actions once the root cause & contributing factors are determined. We apologize for the impact. This summary provides an overview of our current understanding of the incident given the information available. Our investigation is ongoing and any information herein is subject to change.

Posted Feb 06, 2025 - 03:03 UTC

We haven’t observed any additional connectivity issues in our DE-FRA-2 (Frankfurt 2) data center, and will now consider this incident resolved. If you continue to experience problems, please open a Support ticket for assistance.
Posted Feb 05, 2025 - 06:05 UTC
Between 03:22 UTC and 03:52 UTC on February 5, 2025, our DE-FRA-2 (Frankfurt 2) data center experienced a network disruption that may have affected connectivity for some customers. Instances remained powered on and running locally during this period. Our team identified the issue and implemented a resolution, restoring normal network operations at 03:57 UTC. We will be monitoring this to ensure that it remains stable. If you are still experiencing issues, please open a Support ticket for assistance.
Posted Feb 05, 2025 - 04:09 UTC
This incident affected: Regions (DE-FRA-2 (Frankfurt 2)).