Linode Status

Current Status

Service Issue - Managed Databases

Incident Report for Linode


On September 17th, 2023, the backend API servers that handle our Managed Database requests were unable to process requests. This prevented customers from adding, removing, and modifying new and existing Managed Database clusters.

This was caused by large log files that were not rotated properly. In turn, this led to the disks reaching capacity, preventing requests from being handled and a degradation of the service.

To resolve the issue, our team manually rotated the log files as needed, allowing the Managed Database service to begin processing requests normally.

Moving forward, our team will be improving automated log rotation and refining our alerting system for these events. This will help prevent similar issues and allow us to catch and resolve them sooner if they occur.

Posted Oct 08, 2023 - 09:19 UTC


This incident has been resolved.
Posted Sep 17, 2023 - 18:35 UTC


We have identified the cause of issue impacting customer's access to their Managed Database clusters and have implemented a fix. At this time customers should once again have full access to their clusters via Cloud Manager and the API. We are continuing to monitor for any additional reports.
Posted Sep 17, 2023 - 13:08 UTC


We are currently investigating an issue with the Managed Database service. Customers may experience issues interacting with the managed clusters via Cloud Manager and the API.

Impacted actions include updating access-controls, retrieving passwords, creating new or deleting existing clusters. Access to databases and tables within clusters should not be impacted at this time.

We will provide updates as new information becomes available.
Posted Sep 17, 2023 - 11:57 UTC
This incident affected: Managed Databases.