Linode Status

Current Status

Frankfurt Block Storage Availability

Incident Report for Linode


Starting at about 22:34 UTC on July 17, 2023, Block Storage volumes for customers in Frankfurt (us-central) became unusable for all operations. This issue came to the attention of the Linode Support team at about 22:52 UTC, with additional reports resulting in an escalation to Linode's Compute Operations team at 23:24 UTC.

Based on the severity of the impact, Linode started its incident response procedures at 23:26 UTC and paged the on-call Storage expert at 23:36 UTC. This expert began reviewing the circumstances at 23:37 UTC, then commented at 23:43 UTC that one of the Block Storage backends had encountered a memory exhaustion condition.

Further investigation by the Storage expert indicated by 23:52 UTC that the cluster had experienced a "slow ops" condition which was stalling all I/O with the cluster. Additionally, it was believed by 23:56 UTC that the condition causing cluster unusability occurred before the memory exhaustion condition.

To remediate this situation, the Storage expert began restarting the backend components experiencing slow ops – slowly, to avoid potential worsening of circumstances. This process began at 23:52 UTC, and by 00:23 UTC, the "slow ops" condition cleared, with test volumes becoming available by 00:26 UTC.

To address this issue on a long-term basis, the Frankfurt cluster is currently undergoing a series of improvements to bolster its resiliency. These improvements are being rolled out carefully so to avoid further impact to the service.

Posted Nov 06, 2023 - 22:36 UTC


Block storage functionality has been restored. If you continue to experience issues, please contact us at 855-454-6633 (+1-609-380-7100 Intl.), or send an email to for assistance.
Posted Jul 18, 2023 - 02:20 UTC


A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Posted Jul 18, 2023 - 01:01 UTC


The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
Posted Jul 18, 2023 - 00:44 UTC


We are aware of an issue in our Frankfurt data center affecting block storage volumes. At this time volumes are unavailable to mount and attached volumes are preventing Linodes from booting. This may also impact DBaaS backups and LKE clusters utilizing volumes such as PVCs. We are investigating and will update when details become available
Posted Jul 17, 2023 - 23:43 UTC
This incident affected: Block Storage (EU-Central (Frankfurt) Block Storage).