Linode Status

Current Status

Service Issue - Object Storage

Incident Report for Linode


Between 22:04 UTC and 23:33 UTC Jul 20, 2023, there was a disruption in service to the Object Storage service in the Frankfurt Datacenter. This caused the service to initially become inaccessible for ~15 minutes, and then experience degraded performance for a remaining 1 hour and 15 minutes. 

This incident occurred during a standard upgrade to a redundant piece of the Object Storage infrastructure in the datacenter. The root cause of the incident was a recovery setting that had been changed from the default in the Datacenter and not changed back before the upgrade process began.

In response Linode invoked its incident response procedures, and at 22:48 UTC a Status Page was created. The issue was identified at 23:04 UTC.

Recovery was initiated by returning the recovery settings back to default, and adding the upgraded piece of Object Storage infrastructure back into the rotation. To prevent similar incidents, the upgrade procedures for the Object Storage service have been reviewed and changed. Additionally, our teams are investigating more precise and earlier alerting to ensure we are able to address Object Storage incidents sooner in the future.

Posted Aug 01, 2023 - 21:00 UTC


We haven’t observed any additional issues with the Object Storage service, and will now consider this incident resolved. If you continue to experience problems, please open a Support ticket for assistance.
Posted Jul 21, 2023 - 00:34 UTC


At this time we have been able to correct the issues affecting the Object Storage service. We will be monitoring this to ensure that it remains stable. If you continue to experience problems, please open a Support ticket for assistance.
Posted Jul 20, 2023 - 23:44 UTC


Our team has identified the issue affecting the Object Storage service as specific performance issues preventing communication with gateways. We are working quickly to implement a fix, and we will provide an update as soon as the solution is in place.
Posted Jul 20, 2023 - 23:06 UTC


Our team is investigating an issue affecting the Object Storage service in Frankfurt. During this time, users may experience connection timeouts and errors with this service.
Posted Jul 20, 2023 - 22:48 UTC
This incident affected: Linode Manager and API.