Linode Status

Current Status

Compute Backup Service Issue

Incident Report for Linode


On 20 January, 2024, our administrators became aware of a software update which affected backups between 19:00 UTC on 19 January, 2024 and 3:00 UTC on 20 January, 2024. Our administrators identified that affected backups experienced data loss, as files greater than 500MB had been purged permanently from backups and snapshots made during this timeframe due to a bug in the recent software update.Customers were advised that any backup restores should be made to a new Linode instance to avoid overwriting existing disks causing data loss. At 3:00 UTC, the problematic software update was rolled back, and our administrators began implementing measures to have new backups taken to replace affected backups.

At approximately 22:00 UTC on 20 January, 2024, our administrators determined that the issue was affecting all backups, not only backups made during the affected timeframe. Affected backups were made unavailable to customers, and mitigation instructions were provided to customers who had suffered data loss due to restores that had been made during this time. After rolling back the modified update, internal testing verified the Backup Service was functioning appropriately and no longer risking data loss.  

On 22 January, 2024 at approximately 19:55 UTC, it was discovered that a handful of customers were unable to complete a backup. By 3:52 UTC on 23 January 2024, a fix was implemented to resolve this.

Our administrators will continue to refine the procedures associated with the Backup Service. This will involve improvements to the alerting system and rigorous code evaluations during the end to end testing phase before the deployment of code updates.These initiatives will strengthen the resilience of the Backup Service.

Posted Feb 08, 2024 - 01:29 UTC


At this time the issue that affected the Backup service has been fixed, and we will now consider this incident resolved. If you continue to experience problems, please open a ticket with our Support Team.
Posted Jan 23, 2024 - 05:12 UTC


It has been determined that a small number of customers is still unable to make backups. As such, we are returning this incident to the "Identified" status. We expect that the issue will be resolved by tomorrow, January 23rd.
Posted Jan 22, 2024 - 20:26 UTC


At this time we have been able to correct the issues affecting the Backup Service. We will be monitoring this to ensure that it remains stable. If you continue to experience problems, please open a Support ticket for assistance.
Posted Jan 21, 2024 - 18:41 UTC


Upon further investigation, our team has discovered a wider scope of impact for this issue. For any backup that was affected by this, the purging of files of 500 MB or larger impacted all available backups, instead of just backups that ran during the earlier mentioned window of 9:00 UTC on January 19, 2024 to 03:00 UTC on January 20, 2024. As a result of this discovery, our team will be making backups from affected instances unavailable to the customer. This is intended to prevent restores from backups with bad integrity.

Our team has deployed a fix to address any affected backup to address the ability to create new backups. They expect this fix to take up to 48 hours to address all affected backups. We will update this posting when the fix has been implemented.

As a matter of caution, we continue to recommend any restores needed from the Backup Service be deployed to a new compute instance. Should the restore be successful, you can then transfer the IP address between the old and new compute instance. This will alleviate any DNS changes needed and the only downtime should be a result of rebooting the instance.

If you have already used an affected backup to overwrite your instance’s disks, we recommend utilizing the Recovery Image that was created when the compute instance’s disks were deleted. You can deploy an Image to an existing compute instance to recover from any files that were not included in your restore but were present on the instance at the time the disks were deleted.

In the event that there is data from an affected backup that a customer requires, please open a Support ticket for assistance. We can make these affected backups available to you for the next fourteen days.
Posted Jan 20, 2024 - 22:09 UTC


We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.
Posted Jan 20, 2024 - 12:24 UTC


Our subject matter experts are continuing to work to address this issue. At this time we have identified that customers whose backup service ran during this window may have experienced data loss. Files of more than 500MB were permanently purged from backups and snapshots and cannot be recovered. Our subject matter experts are continuing to work on restoring the backup operations. However, some customers may experience backup failures while the issue is being mitigated. Due to the nature of this backup failure, we suggest any backup restores are restored to new Linodes to ensure your backups contain the data you require without removing the existing disks of your Linode.
Posted Jan 20, 2024 - 08:59 UTC


A recent software release contained a defect that has impacted the integrity of backups and snapshots captured between around 19:00 UTC on January 19, 2024 and 03:00 UTC on January 20, 2024. This change has been rolled back and our subject matter experts are investigating further. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Posted Jan 20, 2024 - 05:56 UTC
This incident affected: Backups (US-East (Newark) Backups, US-Central (Dallas) Backups, US-West (Fremont) Backups, US-Southeast (Atlanta) Backups, US-IAD (Washington) Backups, US-ORD (Chicago) Backups, CA-Central (Toronto) Backups, EU-West (London) Backups, EU-Central (Frankfurt) Backups, FR-PAR (Paris) Backups, AP-South (Singapore) Backups, AP-Northeast-2 (Tokyo 2) Backups, AP-West (Mumbai) Backups, AP-Southeast (Sydney) Backups, SE-STO (Stockholm) Backups, US-SEA (Seattle) Backups, JP-OSA (Osaka) Backups, IN-MAA (Chennai) Backups).